The Garrettich Reforms (Next update, currently a test build on our discord) Scripts - 100% thanks to LL Muse, he is a wizard These scripts will go through drastic changes, alterations, and additions in the future. You could then recruit them at villages and towns with ATC mod. Many people have requested to see the mods I use and this is where they're going to go. Apparently the devs themselves had previously rejected and some players don't want it in the game. Welcome to Baldur's Gate 3 and return to the Forgotten Realms! You can expect them to cost more because of their equipment, skills and overall tenacity. Yes, you can easily cancel or upgrade your pledge at any time! Can’t find anyone who deploys an army of Crusader knights. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Expanded Roster - Orcs & Goblins - Goblins / Beasts SFO Submod. Also, if you are making a custom knighthood order - I might be able to help - I could create for you a custom XML troop tree and when combined into another mod, we could set up a troop tree (one mainline and one noble) for you to recruit.